Activities & Events

Atwater Area Help for Seniors hosts a variety of social, educational, and wellness opportunities for our local seniors throughout the year. AAHFS also actively participates in community events and holds fundraisers such as the annual Lloyd & Darleen Hovey memorial golf tournament to raise awareness and funding for our program. Some of our ongoing & past events are highlighted below.  Click here to view the event calendar.

Social Opportunities at AAHFS Office

Mexican Train Dominoes every other Tuesday at 12:30 PM: September 17, October 1, October 15, October 29

Games/Activities alternate Tuesdays at 12:30 PM: September 24, October 8, October 22

Coffee and treats served; Lunch available prior to the activity at 11:30 AM; to order, please call our office at 320-974-8737 by noon the Friday before 

Men's Coffee Time every Thursday at 8:30 AM:
Coffee and treats provided 

Annual Lloyd & Darleen Hovey Memorial Golf Tournament 

July 20, 2024 | Island Pine Golf Club, Atwater, MN

The 2024 golf tournament raised more than $11,700 through registrations, sponsorships, contest fees, and donations! Thank you to the 26 teams of golfers; 30 golf hole sponsors and all who gave donations; Abode Outside for sponsoring the hole-in-one opportunity; more than 30 AAHFS volunteers; and Josh Hagstrom, club pro, for putting together another successful day of golf.

First Place Team

John Cunningham, Brian Mahn, Jerry Hanson, Dave Zaeska ($50 Island Pine gift cards & trophy)

Second Place Team

Josh Cunningham, Noah Cunningham, Zach Cunningham, Aaron Lang ($30 Target gift cards & trophy)

Prize Winners

Hole Contests: Hole 1: Heather Zimmerman - $25 Island Pine gift card; Hole 3: Charlie Otto - $25 MN Beer Co. gift card; Hole 6: Jeremiah Nelson - $25 Taylors Country Store gift card; Hole 7: AJ Hanson - $25 Island Pine gift card; Hole 9: Jeremiah Nelson - $25 Island Pine gift card; Hole 12: Michael Larson - golf balls; Hole 14: J. Baller - $25 MN Beer Co. gift card; Hole 15: Brad Nichols, Todd Saue, Shannon Hovey, Dustin Grages - 4 $50 cash drawings; Hole 18: Dean Lund - $25 Island Pine gift card

Random Team Drawings: Mark Herman, Adam Herman, Brian Fredrick, Rachelle Fredrick - 4 $25 Wick's Meat Shoppe gift cards; Shannon Elton, Jill Anderson, Renae Boxwell, Jeff Lange - 4 $25 Carlson Meat Shop gift cards; Sandy Walsh, Jess Halvorson, Carol Schaefer, Darla Fagerlie - 4 Yeti cups; Brian Hovey, Brooks Miller, Courtney Miller, Kaden Miller - 4 Bushmills caps; Erin Hovey & Alex Hovey - MN Beer Co. t-shirts & visors; Jon Broman - Buer Electric sweatshirt; Tyler Anderson - Buer Electric hat

Random Individual Drawings: Ashley Buer - cooler bag; Sterling Bargfrede - cooler bag; Travis Knisley - golf balls

Raffles: Mark Herman: rake with scratch-off tickets; Jared Pistulka: Twins game package; Mark Streed: laser-engraved eagle

National Night Out | Tuesday, August 6, 2024

AAHFS partnered with the Atwater Public Library to participate in Atwater's National Night Out events. We provided activities for children that helped them understand physical challenges other people face, such as eyeglasses smeared with Vaseline to represent visual problems and popcorn kernels in socks & shoes to simulate sensory issues. After trying the popcorn in his shoes, one young boy recognized the pain his dad lives with due to neuropathy.

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign throughout the U.S. that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. Visit for more information.

Alzheimer's Disease Presentation & Meal | April 25, 2024

More than 85 people from Atwater and 10 surrounding communities attended a presentation by Joseph Gaugler, PhD, on Alzheimer's Disease. Dr. Gaugler is a U of M professor and director at the U of M's School of Public Health; he provides educational outreach on Alzheimer's Disease and dementia with a goal of visiting all 87 Minnesota counties. Dr. Gaugler discussed dementia types; 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's; new insights about dementia treatments and care; and the latest research into risk factors and lifestyle changes to lower risks. To read & download his presentation, click here.

Atwater Police Chief Ross Johnson (pictured), Atwater Officer Noah Maschino, and Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office Chief Deputy Kent Baumann served the meal to attendees. Additional resources were provided by the Alzheimer's Association, Senior LinkAge Line, MN River Area Agency on Aging, and Compassionate Cottage.

Solar Eclipse Viewing Event

Monday, April 8, 2024

AAHFS sponsored a bake sale as part of the solar eclipse event at the Atwater Public Library, which provided treats for those in attendance and brought in $244 to support our program. Although clouds didn't allow the partial eclipse to be seen, more than 60 adults and children in attendance still enjoyed the event that featured a local amateur astronomer sharing information and NASA TV live streams of the eclipse across the U.S.  Attendees also enjoyed free grilled hot dogs and chips provided by the Atwater Lions Club and hot & cold beverages offered by the Public Library.

Presidents Day 2024 Coffee & Caramel Rolls

Nearly 100 people took the opportunity to enjoy a morning of conversation along with coffee and the famous AAHFS caramel rolls. Attendees also were able to learn about the resources available from the Aging Eyes initiative. More than $1,000 was collected in the free will donation that will benefit program services to local older adults.

Lunch & Learn: Estate Planning

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Joel Gratz, CPA & managing partner, and
Lindsay Kranz, manager, of Christianson CPAs & Consultants shared valuable information about the process of planning for what will happen to your estate and reviewed the steps necessary to ensure your desires are accomplished effectively. Attendees also had the opportunity to ask specific questions. Hear Joel share key points about estate planning by clicking here to listen to Ask the Experts on KWLM Willmar's radio talk show.

Lunch & Learn: Funeral Preplanning

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Audrey Nelsen, Certified Preplanning Consultant at Peterson Brothers Funeral Home, presented information about the importance of planning ahead for funeral services and reviewed the costs of services. Funeral costs are predicted to increase up to 65% over the next 15 years, so preplanning and prefunding can lessen the financial burden on family, as well as making sure the family knows what arrangements their loved one wanted. For more information and for preplanning forms & checklists, click here to visit the Peterson Brothers website.

Atwater Oktoberfest

Saturday, October 7, 2023

AAHFS participated in Atwater's Third Annual Oktoberfest by sponsoring a bean bag fun toss. Thank you to all 57 participants, and congratulations to the winners: Roger Steinke - age 65 and older; Eric Wall - age 11-64; Carter Rogers - age 10 and under

Flower Garden Tour & Lunch

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

AAHFS arranged a visit for a dozen ladies to Dykstra Gardens near Blomkest, MN to view the extensive flower gardens and enjoy a homemade lunch featuring vegetable garden produce; free will donations benefit Wheelchairs for Guatemala.

Men's Coffee & Tractor Visit

Each August, the senior men are invited to the home of Dave & Joan Gatzmeyer to view and reminisce about tractors of vintages from the 1940s to present day owned by the Gatzmeyers and their neighbors. The group also enjoys coffee and homemade treats and leave with gifts of Joan's jelly and other home-canned items.

Atwater Festival Days June 2023

AAHFS proudly participated in Atwater's annual celebration: we kicked off the week with a community pork chop dinner, sponsored a fun run/walk, offered fresh-baked caramel rolls as a fundraiser, and drove our larger-than-life 35th anniversary cake in the parade. Thank you to all our volunteers who made it happen and to community members for your support!

Lunch & Learn: Toward Healthy Aging

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 | Atwater Community Center

Nancy Drange, a retired nurse practitioner formerly specializing in family medicine at CentraCare, offered education about the physical, cognitive, and social changes of aging and how you can adapt to maintain the quality of life you desire. Nancy discussed preventive care measures to be taken at 50, 60, and 70 years to help age healthfully, as well as foot care facts and advanced care planning. She also informed attendees about, a U.S. Department of Agriculture website that outlines healthy eating; click here to access the site's nutrition tips for older adults. Attendees enjoyed a chicken salad lunch provided by AAHFS.

Lunch & Learn: Diabetes Prevention & Management

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 | Atwater Community Center

Lucy R. Brink, a nurse practitioner and certified diabetes care & education specialist with CentraCare, presented on diabetes awareness, risk factors, symptoms, and types. Attendees learned useful information about the pancreas' role in insulin production, insulin resistance, diabetes' effects, and the importance of glucose management through exercise and healthy eating. AAHFS served a healthful meal of turkey sandwiches, vegetable tray, and fruit. For information on the services, resources, and diabetes self-management education offered by CentraCare Diabetes Care, visit their website.

Lunch & Learn: Falls Prevention and Balance Improvement

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 | Atwater Community Center

AAHFS hosted a free presentation by Sarah Tarleton that provided tips on fall prevention and demonstrated skills to improve balance, strength, and fitness for seniors. Sarah is a Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) program manager at Ecumen of Litchfield, as well as a Master Certified Trainer for Stay Active & Independent for Life (SAIL), an evidence-based fall prevention program for older adults. For more information about the SAIL classes offered by AAHFS, visit our Health and Wellness page.

Lunch & Learn: Senior Scams and Safety

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 | Atwater Community Center

The Atwater Police Department and AAHFS hosted a free presentation by Detective Kent Baumann of the Kandiyohi County Sheriff's Office. More than 85 people attended and received information about frauds and scams active in our area, ways to protect ourselves from scam activity, and resources & next steps that scam victims can take. Resource information from Senior LinkAge Line was also provided (click here to download). Attendees also enjoyed a complimentary lunch from the Handle Bar provided by the Atwater PD.

Wellness Expo

September 20, 2022 | Atwater Community Center

More than 90 people attended the 2022 AAHFS Wellness Expo and received valuable health & wellness information, enjoyed snacks and lunch, and had a chance to win door prizes. Nineteen vendors participated, including home care, long-term care, hospice, mental health, chair massages, funeral home services, Atwater public library, and Senior LinkAge Line. Free COVID home test kits were available from Kandiyohi County Public Health; blood pressure screenings were administered by Ridgewater College nursing students; and 40 people received a flu shot from Homeland Health. Additionally, more than 1,700 pills were taken in for medication disposal. Thank you to our attendees, vendors, nursing students, and volunteers for a successful event!